Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Let's Get Personal, Reflections of Me

Before I get into today's topic, I would love to share a sweet little song that my oldest son made up and sang to me moments ago.

Mom I love you
Because you are so sweet
I'm glad you are my Mom
And you will always be

Did he want something? Maybe, but it was still adorable and made my day!

Okay, let's get personal. I've been looking forward to personalizing my blog page for a while now. My husband is a computer nerd, he knows I mean this as a compliment, and can help me figure out what I can't handle on my own. I'm not a generic soul, so this weekend we are hoping to upgrade & update my background. It may be unveiled for my "Meet Me On Monday" blog! That's the plan anyway.

I would love to make my blog space a simple statement of who I am. With a personality that is multi dimensional, I'm not sure how I'll be able to achieve the simplicity. I have high hopes that my husband, with a little help from me, will be able to create a look that "pops" as much as I do at times. He is good, but maybe this is an overwhelming tasks for anyone. I know I must exhaust him with my energizer bunny routine. I'm no "busy body," but I do like to keep myself occupied. I'm not sure how exactly to create a reflection of me that touches on all of these activities, hobbies, and "likes." Does that make me complex rather than simple?

I have a few questions for those who know me, or have gotten to know me recently. How do YOU visualize my page? What colors do you see on it? What about me would you expect to (or like to) see represented? What would you be surprised NOT to see?

Are you a blogger yourself? How do you personalize your blog? Do you give it a unique look or background? Do you say "who cares if the background is generic, because the writing sure isn't!" What makes your blog "you?"


O just sang me a new song, with plenty of kisses from M throughout. Do you think they are up to something? Oh well, I'll take the extra love any day!


  1. You are really blessed if you have a hubby who can help you with your blog! Take full advantage of that! The rest of us have to rely on generic templates and backgrounds! I think it's definitely fun to try to get our blogs to reflect ourselves or our writing. Looking forward to what you come up with!

  2. There is no possilbe way to reflect the sweet, caring person that you are, and I feel SO blessed to call you my friend, I love ya Mindy! I picture your blog, as fun and vibrant!

  3. Jody- Yeah, he's pretty great when he wants to be. lol I think I'll keep him. :) I'm hoping the "upgrade" to my blog goes smoothly. Hopefully it'll be a fun unveiling on Monday.

    Jeni- Aww thanks Jeni! You know you are gonna make me cry! I feel blessed to call you my friend as well! I love ya too! Let's see if I can accomplish fun & vibrant...
